Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!!!!!!

Are you a maker of resolutions, or goal maker???  Personally, I like making goals.  For one reason, I like making lists.  As I complete a goal, I check it off the list!  Also, for me it's easier to track. I list the steps I need to complete the goal, again checking them off after completion.  When all steps are complete, the goal has been reached!

For the last 3 years, I've had a goal of reading 12 books within a year.  Now, I read all the time.  I love reading blogs, magazines, news articles, etc.  My big-girl job is spent reading legal documents aalll ddaaayyyy llooonnnnggggg.  Yes, it gets a little boring. When I was young my mom used to say "She'd rather read than eat."  (I promise that is not true, but you get the point.)  That habit followed me well into adulthood.  

That is, until about 4 years ago.  It was during the time my dad was ill, and I was going through a divorce.  The thought of reading a book for enjoyment was not something I could even think about doing.  I don't know why it happened because reading was often an escape for me.  Or a way of relaxing.  Or sparked my creativity.  Or....Or....Or....I still don't quite understand why I struggle so much anymore, and hence the reason for the goal.  

I am happy to say 2012 is the year I have actually achieved that goal!  Yippeeee!!!!  Here's what I read in 2012:

The Chamber by John Grisham
The Pelican Brief by John Grisham
The Wedding Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini
The Painted House by John Grisham
The Associate by John Grisham
The Last Juror by John Grisham
Heartwood by Belva Plain
Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
The Sight of the Stars by Belva Plain
Sonoma Rose by Jennifer Chiaverini
1225 Christmas Tree Lane by Debbie Macomber
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

Boy, was I on a John Grisham kick, or what?  I love reading Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilt series.  That series inspired me to try hand-quilting, which I love to do!  Of course, Dave Ramsey is kind of in your face, but his financial wisdom stands the test of time.  I think everyone should read his book, even if you are financially stable.  It's just good sense.  I am really enjoying The Five People You Meet in Heaven.  Yes, I said enjoying.  I have about 50 pages left to read.  My Love has to work tonight, so we have no plans for the evening.  I will finish my book, and accomplish my goal, before midnight!

What are you reading?  I need to make my reading list for 2013!

I pray the next year is happy and blessed for all of you and your families.  Be safe!!!!

Make it an Awesome Year!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

And Christmas Continues....

So how was your Christmas?  I hope it was filled with lots of love.  Our Christmas continues as my brother and sister, along with their families, came to town yesterday.  We are celebrating Christmas with them this evening.  I love week-long holidays!!!!

My Love totally surprised me with a new camera!  My old camera needed a new battery, and it would've cost almost as much as a new camera.  So Mr. Practical  bought the new camera.  I love it!    Maybe you'll see some decent pictures on here now.  But I warn you, I am still learning how to use it!

One of our traditions every year is to have an ornament exchange between the women of our family.  The ornament can be handmade, or store-bought.  I always make my ornaments because I have more crafting supplies than anyone should be allowed to own.  (My best-friend says I have an addiction, and need a 12 step program.  I tell her she is right there with me!)

This year I made these cute little wreaths.  I simply crocheted around a metal ring, and attached a jingle bell.  What I think boosted the cute factor is the packaging.  I grabbed some clothes pins, used embossing ink and gold powder to give them sparkle.  I punched circles out of old sheet music, and glued a little snowflake to my circles.  I attached these to the clothes pins, and even attached a magnet to the back so they can be reused.  I put the ornaments in a cellophane bag, and closed them with the clothespins.  Cute! Cute! Cute!

Do you have any traditions?  Please share!!!!

Make it an awesome day!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sweet Sister Hope

I have to start out bragging about My Love.  Last weekend he told me we were going to dinner with friends on Thursday evening.  They just found out they are expecting, and wanted to celebrate.  Ok, I thought this was a little different, but I'm always up to a night out.  We go to dinner, and as we are finishing our meal, the expecting couple handed a card to me.  I opened it thinking they hand delivered their Christmas card this year.  Which they did, but inside were 2 tickets to see the TRAN SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA!!!!!!!!  Yes!  My Love got tickets to see TSO, and our whole group was going.  A total, wonderful surprise!!  If you have never seen them in concert I highly recommend.  AMAZING!!  The best part???  Seeing the look on Chris's face when he saw how happy I was.  What an amazing gift.  Two days later, and I am still grinning!  Thank you, Love!!!  

Now on to the real post I had planned....

I have a younger sister, and her name is Hope.  I was 3 when she was born.  I don't remember that period of time, but my mom has said she knew something was wrong right away.  Hope lacked that "will to live."  Everything she ate came back up.  Weight gain was slow.  Finally, at 18 months old, she was diagnosed as being "Moderately Mentally Retarded."  If Hope were born today, we would  have known before she was born that she had some disabilities.  The diagnosis would probably be more along the lines of "mentally challenged."  At least, that's what the nurse at her doctor's office called it.  Anyway, to us she is just our Sweet Sister Hope.  Well, usually she is sweet.  Sometimes she is a little cranky.  

I love this photo.  It was taken by the awesome Elizabeth Mullins of 2B Photography.  Hope loves her baby, and carries her wherever we go.  My next project should probably be a new dress for baby.  Last night while shopping, baby lost her dress.  I don't know how, and I don't know where.  All I do know is Hope is carrying around a naked baby.  Not good.

When looking for an art project for Hope (she loves to craft, just like her sister!) I look for projects that a pre-schooler would enjoy.  I found this project on Pinterest (my favorite website other than my blog!)  It's super easy, Hope loved it!

Art canvas
Acrylic paints
Blue Painters tape

All you do is tape off a word, or you could do a shape.  Drizzle some paint on the canvas, and swirl away.  You can use finger paints, but we used the acrylic paint.  For Hope it was best to use a brush, dipped in a little water.  I found that helps spread the paint more easily.  We chose her name.  Truthfully, it's the only word she knows how to spell.  She recognizes it, and will spell it for you if you ask.

This painting sits on a shelf in her room.  (She is with me almost every weekend, and has her own room at my house.  She will show her room to you, along with her new bed.  Her bed is actually 7-8 years old, but to her it's new.)  I think it would be a sweet project for a toddler to make for a grandparent for Christmas.  

What projects have you started for Christmas?  I would love to hear from you.  I need some more ideas!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

I love Christmas!!!  Who doesn't????  But I have a rule.  I won't put up any Christmas decorations, wrap any presents, or listen to any Christmas music until December 1.  My son's birthday is November 30, and I want to enjoy his special day without worrying if someone will tumble into the Christmas tree.  His birthday was Friday, but we had his dinner last night. was the day!!!!  My first holiday craft project of the season!!!!

I wanted to make a little wreath for my cubicle at work.  I gathered my supplies:

Sheer Ribbon
Inside ring of embroidery hoop
Thin wire
Snowflake Embellishments

I started by cutting my ribbon into approximate 14 inch lengths.  I looped them around, just as though I were making a bow.  Rather than tying, I gathered the loopers (my word for them) with a piece of wire approximately 6 inches long. After making a huge pile, I attached them to the hoop.

 I scattered my little snowflake embellishments, and glued them to the loopers.  Voila.....a very cute and inexpenseive little wreath to bring some holiday cheer to my cubie.  What do you think???  Pretty stinkin' cute!!!!

What I love about this time of the year is making homemade gifts, and decorations.  I've made my own Christmas cards for probably 12 years.  I love it!  So, look forward to some inspiration this month!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's finally here!  Today is the day!  Here it is.......

And just what is The Falling Rock, you ask????  My very own little Etsy Shop.  Yay for me!!!!!  I decided to take the plunge, and see if I can make a little money creating some of the little treasures I enjoy making.  So, if you are looking for a little gift to give, or something for yourself, check it out.  

I have a little literally has taken me about 5 hours setting up this little shop. And really Etsy makes it easy.  Step-by-Step.  Just like facebook. (Have I mentioned how technically impaired I am???)  So check back often because I will be adding new items to the shop on a regular basis.  (Now that I have figured out how to do it!)

I cannot tell you how excited I am.  Now I have an excuse for buying all of the craft supplies I purchase!  Woohoo!!!!!

Make it an awesome day!

Friday, November 30, 2012

One more endorsement before the big surprise!!!!

"Who do you know that's looking to buy or sell?"  I cannot tell you how many times I said that myself when I had my real estate license.  Now I hear My Love say that same thing over and over.  

Earlier this year he passed the exam, and now he is a licensed realtor. Chris has worked in sales most of his adult life, setting new sales records in every position he has held.  It was his sales ability that put him on track to become the youngest department manager at the grocery store he worked at out of high school.  He was a young 18 years old.  Chris is a fierce negotiator, always putting his clients best interest at heart.  I have watched him talk himself out of sales because he knew his clients stood to lose a lot of money.  He makes me so proud because his integrity is more important than a commission check.

So if you are looking to buy or sell a house, or know some who is, find him at  Even if you live out of state, he can connect you with a realtor in the area you are interested in.  The advantage to you?  Chris will stay in contact with that realtor to ensure they are taking care of you just as he would.  (Don't you love this picture?  I think he's pretty danged hot, but I'm biased!!!)

Check back in later tomorrow.  I will have one more endorsement for a small business, and you don't want to miss this one!

Make it an awesome day!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Small business owner Number 2!

I have a dear friend that I have known for years.  Three years ago she gave birth to twins (YIKES!).  She went back to work, but decided her heart was at home with her babies.  She left her paying job to become a stay-at-home-mom, and I know it was the best decision she and her husband ever made.  She decided she wanted to earn a little extra cash, so created her small business called "2B Photography by Elizabeth Mullins."  I am sooo glad she did!

See, my daughter graduated from high school 6 years ago.  At the time Elizabeth was the photographer at our local Moto Photo.  Of course, she took Aubrey's senior photos, and did a beautiful job.   Fast forward 6 years, and Jordan is graduating from high school. Who was going to take his senior photos?  Luckily, Liz had started her business.  She has taken senior photos of both of my children, and I cherish them. 

Liz will meet you at your choice of location, take a gazillion photos, and will provide a CD with the photos.  Her prices are sooo reasonable.  All you have to do is print the photos yourself, or take the cd to any photo lab to have them printed.  You have the control of what you want printed, what size, and how many. I know this is another business owner that is local to the Dayton area.  But again, come visit me, and we'll hook you up!

Oh, something else I know she has done....on Thanksgiving Day she had a client request she come take their family photos because that is the only time they can get everyone together.  Elizabeth did it!  That is some awesome customer service!

Think you have to be local to utilize her talents?  Well, she has another aspect to her business.  She crochets beautiful hats, blankets, and other items.  I think it started as props for her photography, but grew into much more.

Check her out on facebook.  2B Photograph by Elizabeth Mullins.  You'll be glad you did.

One more endorsement for Liz.  This photo was taken at my son's high school graduation.  It was held at The Nutter Center at Wright State.  Elizabeth was right at the top of the seating.  I am truly amazed she was able to zoom in, and capture the smile on his face as he received his diploma.  One of my favorites.

One last time, 2B Photography by Elizabeth Mullins.  Find her on facebook.  Just do it!

Make it an awesome day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

New do!!!!!

I have a surprise at the end of the week!!!!  While gearing up for that surprise, I thought I'd post about a few people I know who are in business for themselves.  I truly appreciate a person who takes the plunge.  Someone who believes they have the talent and ability to make a living oing something they love!

After work, I had an appointment to get my hair colored.  (This is a very regular occasion.  You can set your calender by my hair appointments!)  Anyway,since I am in the hair-do mode, I thought I'd start with the awesome Terri Mabry, of  TLM4 Designs.  You can find her on facebook at TLM4 Designs @ Salons at The Greene.  Terri has been taking care of my locks for longer than I can remember.  Color is her specialty!  (It must be.  I am completely white!  Thanks to Terri, nobody can tell unless I go an extra week before I get my roots done.  Trust me, this does not happen often!!!)  I think there is a lot to be said when other designers compliment my hair color.  This has happened to me many times.

Now if you live in the Dayton area, you must see her.  Call now, as I booked my pre-Christmas appointment a month ago.  Look your best for the holidays, or treat yourself to a makeover for the new year!  For those of you who don't live in the Dayton area, come visit me.  While you're here,  you can make appointment to see her!  See, 2 birds, one stone.  Multi-tasking!  I am the master!!!!

(This is not the best picture of me.  It was taken on vacation, and I cropped out My Love.  My other option was to take a picture of me right now, but I'm in my jamms.  Didn't think you'd appreciate that!)

Seriously, Terri is the best at what she does.  I have told her if she ever moves out of state, it had better be someplace warm.  I will follow her wherever she goes!!  Not only is she an awesome designer, but a good friend, too.  I am thankful for her talents, but I am especially thankful for her friendship.

So, book your hair appointment!  Treat yourself!  You will be soooo glad you did!  And check back in this week.  Lots of good stuff!!

Make it an awesome day!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I am not lost.....

Yes, I am still here!  We are closing in on the end of the year, and I realized many things have gone undone.  For instance, my linen closet door needs re-hung.  My sister's room needs painting.  My carpets need shampooed.  And most important, my poor little blog has gone untouched for 2 months.  No worries.  Sometimes life gets in the way of good intentions.

The love of my life injured his back 2 months ago, and has been off work.  Fortunately, he returned to work last night.  That injury cost him a lot, not only financially, but emotionally.  He does not have to have surgery, at this time.  He returned to the job that caused the injury, and I pray he does not re-injure himself.  We are looking at other options for him.  Hopefully, we will figure this out before something else happens.

During his 2 months off work, we were able to take a much needed vacation.  Nothing like a week away from the stresses of everyday life.  I'm so thankful we were able to get away.  I believe the respite was healing for him.  I know it was for me.

During all of this craziness, my son moved into an apartment with 3 friends.  So, for the first time in 25 years, neither of my kids are living in my house.  I won't lie....I am struggling with finding my purpose.  It's a very strange feeling.  I'm proud of both of my children, and I can appreciate their need for independence.  However, their independence has left a gap in my heart.  I know they will always need their mom.  And, more honesty, I enjoy having a hot shower.  Less laundry to do.  No dirty dishes left in the living room.  When I want to eat a banana, there are plenty.  I think what I feel is a lack of focus.  I had to get up every morning, and make sure they got off to school.  I came home after work to make sure they ate dinner. I had laundry to do, schedules to keep, and all that goes with being a busy mom of young children. what?  I am struggling to find out.  And figure it out, I will.  My love is very supportive, and patient!  My circle of friends are the best!  Most important, no matter how they get, or how far away they go, they will always be my babies.

Make it an awesome day!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!!!!

Oh my goodness!  I am the world's worst blogger!  So excuses, though.  Just disorganization.  Or laziness.  (Don't judge me.  I'm keepin' it real!)

By now all the kiddos are back in school.  My "baby" started college.  For the first time in a very long time I do not have to deal with all the stresses of a new school year...or do I????  Instead, my son is now responsible for his classes, homework, etc., etc.  It's been strange, but it's ok.  I'm learning to let go, and let him be an adult.  I realize my purpose on this earth is more than being a mom.  I guess you're never too old to learn, right? all know I've been on Weight Watchers, and I've lost about 13 lbs, so far.  Not bad in 2 months, but I've hit a plateau.  I need to get activity in somewhere.  My complaint with WW is as you lose weight, you lose daily points to use, unless you earn them with exercise.  NO FAIR!!!!  In my mind I should get more points for losing, but since I'm the one who needs to lose the weight, what the heck do I know???? So, I need to get active.  Give me your input.  What are your favorite ways to be active????

While you think about activity, contemplate this delicious little recipe.  My love makes it for me, and it has quickly become my favorite dish!!!  Two reasons, big flavor and only 1 point per serving!!!!!!  That is a WIN in my book!

Thai Cucumber Salad 
(this is the name I've given the recipe.  Not sure what it's really called,
but when I ask for Thai Cucumber Salad, he knows what I want.  He's good like that!

2 cucumbers, sliced paper thin (save 1/4 of a cucumber
and shred it)
1 tomato, sliced paper thin
1/2 serano chili, seeded and deveined
Juice from 1 lime
5 shakes fish sauce
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 tsp sugar

Mix all together, and let marinate a few hours before serving.  My love likes it at room temp.  I like it at any temp!  He does not measure anything, so this is approximate and to taste.  This makes 3-4 servings, depending on who you're serving.  If I'm eating, it's 3 servings!  Have I told you how much I love this dish?  At just 1 point per serving, it's all good!!!  Give this a try, and let me know what you think.

So what is your favorite way to get some activity in?  I need ideas!  Exercise is not my most favorite thing in the world to do!  And a person can only eat so many cucumbers!

Make it an awesome day!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Hello dear people!  Did you have a wonderful weekend???  I did not get into my craftroom, but I went to Ej's first football game!!!!!  It's so much fun watching those little guys play their little hearts out!  A wave of memories washed over me, remembering his Uncle's first football game.  Ahhhh.....

The last time I posted I mentioned a cleaning schedule.  It has worked so well for me.  It helps me to keep the house tidy, and I didn't feel guilty this weekend when I was gone all Saturday afternoon at the football field.  Here is a copy of the schedule.  I found this on pinterest.  I believe the blog it's from is  I printed it, and now it lives on my fridge.

Remember I talked about vinegar and Blue Dawn????  Well I mixed some up in a spray bottle, sprayed the tub, and 2 hours later my tub looked like I had been scrubbing for those 2 hours!  And I NEVER lifted a scrub-brush!!!!  I was amazed!!!  Another bonus, besides saving time, no toxic fumes.  Yes, it smelled like vinegar in my bathroom for a little while, but that smell was gone when I rinsed the tub.  Much better than all the toxic fumes!!!!  I have a new love affair with Blue Dawn dishsoap!

I am ordering a new battery for my camera.  Soon I will be taking photos, and hopefully things will be a little more interesting around here.  Lots of ideas running through my head!!!

Make it an awesome day!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blue Dawn....

Hello good people!  I hope you are doing well.  So many kids are returning to school this week.  I pray the transition into this new school year is smooth as silk for you!

I found an awesome idea on pinterest, my favorite website, for a cleaning schedule.  She breaks it down into little bits each day.  This week I've actually been implementing this plan, it's been hanging on my fridge for the last month, and I must say it's great.  A little effort every morning before work leaves my evenings free for other fun stuff!

Also on pinterest I found an awesome idea for a shower cleaner.  I tried to upload a photo, but haven't been successful.  Anyway, take one  f those little scrubbie things for the dishes that have a tube attached, and you fill with dish soap.  Fill it half full with vinegar, and the other half with blue Dawn dish-soap.  Use it on the shower wall after your shower.  Then I squeegee my shower, and oh my goodness!  How easy to keep those showers looking good, with minimal effort.  I love this mixture so much I'm going to mix a batch and put in a spray bottle to use on the tub.  It seems I cannot find a tub cleaner that works well, that I don't have to wear a gas mask to use.  I'll keep you posted on the results.

Another use for blue Dawn is to mix it 1 part Dawn with 2 parts peroxide.  This is seriously the best stain remover in the world.  There was a stain in the corner of my dining room carpet that had been there before I bought the house.  I've used various cleaners on it, and nothing worked.  Enter blue Dawn and peroxide.  Spray it on, then used my carpet cleaner on it because I was actually cleaning my carpets that day.  Voila!  It's gone!!!  Gotta love it!

One last thing I'm going to try with the blue Dawn is to make glass cleaner.  I used to make it with 1 gallon of distilled water, minus 16 ounces.  Add 16 ounces of rubbing alcohol, and 2 tbsp of Prell shampoo.  Shake it, then pour into spray bottle.  Clean windows to your heart's content!  Instead of the Prell, I'm going to substitute the blue Dawn.  I have a sneaky feeling I will like the results!

I think that's all I have to say about cleaning for now!  It's really not one of my favorite past-times, but I do love to share a good product when I find one.  Blue's the bomb!!!!

Make it an awesome day!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Change is in the air.....

Well, I've been playing around on a website called picmonkey.  Have you heard of it?  Soooo cool.  Photo editing for FREE!!!!!!  I came up with this banner I've added to my blog.  I will be changing the photos, and tweaking, but this is a good start.  Besides, it's late and I need to go to bed, so this is what it is for now.  You must check it out!

My next big undertaking in cyber-world is to start an etsy shop.  Lots of ideas running through my head, and it will be a little bit before I get started.  Look for it, though, cuz it's coming!!!

Any plans for the weekend?  I'm going to clean my house.  It needs a scrub.  And maybe get a few leftover things from the garage sale listed on craigslist.  Some stuff will go to Good Will, but not all.  And I hope to get some crafting done.  Actually, I will get some crafting done.  That's all there is to it!!!!

Make it an awesome day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Coming full circle....

I'm feeling rather melancholy this evening, so please bear with me.  I took my grandson to football practice, and made a comment on my facebook about it.  A good friend commented, "football has come full circle for you."  Yes, it certainly has come full circle.

My son started playing football in the 2nd grade.  Last fall was his last season because he graduated from high school this year, and chose not to play in college.  Tonight I kept thinking about the first time Jordan stepped onto a football field.  I remembered Friday nights in the football stands, and Saturday mornings in the concession stands.  For 11 years Jordan poured his heart into football, and it was a huge part of all of our lives.  I'm not sure why he no longer has the desire to play.  He said it's because it becomes a full-time job at the college level, and I have to believe what he says.

I remember his last game, and the seniors were recognized before the start of the game.  I thought to myself, "What will I do during football season next year?"  I don't have to worry.  My grandson started this year.  What a difference watching a 6 year old play for the first time, compared to my 18 year play for the last time.

It's different now.  I loved watching my boy play ball.  I loved watching him do something he enjoyed.  I loved watching the relationships that developed because of this sport.  I enjoyed watching Elijah tonight, but it's not the same.

I am forever grateful to his coaches for the endless hours they spent with Jordan.  During his football career Jordan played every position except quarterback, safety, and corner.  During high school, he played center.  He was a team captain senior year, was awarded the Sportsmanship Award his junior year, and Coaches Award his senior year. (Sorry.  Proud Mama speaking.)

After watching my son play for so many years, it is my opinion that football teaches teamwork more than any other sport, and for him it was all about the team.  If a team-mate needed a ride, an ear to listen, or a couple of dollars, Jordan was there.  He stayed after practice to clean the weight room, and never missed a weight-lifting session.  My dad passed away when Jordan was in the 9th grade, and Jordan showed up the next morning for his game.  Yes, it was all about the team.  He wouldn't let them down.

Football taught Jordan some important lessons, the first being never give up.  Play until the final buzzer.  There is no such thing as a quitter.  The second thing is to defend your own.  His final 4 years were spent on the offensive line as center, and his job was to protect the quarterback.  Defend your brother.  Don't let the opponent get to him.  Third, hard work will payoff.  He never missed a weight-lifting session, nor a practice.  He gave 110% when he walked onto that field.  He gained the respect and recognition of his coaches, and team-mates.  Lastly, football gave Jordan the brothers he always wanted.  There was a camaraderie that I, as a single mom, could not give him.

I'm going to miss watching my boy play the sport he loved to play.  My prayer is football will mean as much to his nephew as it did to him.

So, this fall if you need a friend to go to a football game with you, give me a shout.  I'd love to go.

Make it an awesome day.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Oh goodness, last week was nothing but CRAZY!  My doodlebug started football, we are trying to wrap up college stuff for Jordan, I helped my Love get through inspections on a real estate deal, we had a garage sale this past weekend, and my sister and nephew came from Chicago for a visit.  That doesn't include everyday life of working, cleaning, cooking, etc., etc......I know.  Put my big girl panties on and quit whining.  Everybody is busy, too!!!!

I have an indulgence, or a special treat for times like these.  A reward, if you will, for all of my hard work.    Have you ever tried these Weight Watcher's Dark Chocolate Dulce De Leche ice cream bars?  One word....DELICIOUSNESS!!!  (Is that a word?)  They are divine, and only 3 ww points.  They are so delicious and creamy I feel like I'm cheating.  I still can't believe they are only 3 points!  That's my kind of special treat!

Another indulgence?  Crafting!  It really helps me relax.  Last night I finally had a little time to crochet these cute little hearts.  I've made several dozen because they crochet together so fast!  I don't remember where I found the original pattern, but I think instructions can be found on You can vary the size depending on the fiber you use, and crochet hook.   They are so cute and quick to make!  It really helps to calm me down after a busy week.  And the best thing is I can whip up a bunch while watching Craft Wars that I dvr'd this week.  Double crafting!  Woohoo!!!!!!

Again, please forgive my lack of photography skills!  I'm borrowing my daughter's camera, and don't quite know all the little settings!

What's your secret indulgence?  How do you relax?  Please share!  I'm always looking for new relaxation techniques!

Make it an awesome day!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ooh baby, baby!!!

My love has 2 nieces expecting babies within weeks of each other.  I have met one niece, but not the other.  I hope to someday.  It doesn't matter, though.  Babies on the way mean this Nana is craftin'!

Niece #1 is the niece I have not met.  She and her husband are expecting their 1st baby, a girl.  I  had this flannel in my stash.  Stitched the two pieces together, then crocheted around the edge.  Very sweet and feminine, I think!  (Please forgive the photography.  I'm a better crafter than photographer!)

Niece #2 and hubby are expecting their 3rd child, a boy.  Of course this flannel was in my stash.  I intend to stitch together, edging with the white ric-rac in stead of crochet.  While I love the crocheted edged, it's very time consuming!

Again, please forgive the photography!  The original inspiration came from here:

So after this blanket is complete, I think I'll applique some onesies, make some booties, and maybe some hats. Oh, and how about some of those cute little clips to hold a binky!  My head is spinning!  I gotta get busy!!!!

Make it an awesome day!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Look at them.  Aren't they adorable?  Well, maybe adorable isn't the right word considering they are adults.  It doesn't matter, because they will always be my babies.

She is 24, he is 18.  This photo was taken last fall.  Never have two people made me happy, made me cry, exasperate me, and humble me the way these two have.  During my divorce, there were days I got out of bed only for them. I would've just given up, but I knew they needed me.  They are my reason why, my greatest joy, and make me so proud.  I am blessed beyond belief, and so thankful to God for giving me the honor of being their mom.

Over the last couple of months she has been dealing with some health issues.    She is fine because the doctor caught it early, thank you, Jesus.  Yesterday, she posted this on her facebook:

I've learned after these past few months, NEVER say NEVER. If you think something can't/won't happen to you, it probably will.... Don't take life for granted, cherish every moment you have, you never know when your time is up...

Wise words from my girl.  It's interesting to me that she posted this because she works for Hospice, and death is part of her daily work life.  She is so good at what she does.  She amazes me.  I've realized what a strong woman she has become, and I believe that strength has helped her work through the emotional roller coaster she has been on for the last few months.  Well, that and lots of prayer.

So, listen to my girl.  Cherish this life, because it's the only one you have.  Thank God everyday for the blessings He gives you, and never let anyone doubt how much you love them.  "You never know when your time is up....."

Make it an awesome day!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

TAH DAH!!!!!

I am a stress eater.  There, I said it.  For all the world to know.  I realized I was a stress eater when I was going through my divorce a few years ago.  I was have a perfectly fine day, driving down the road, singing at the top of my lungs to the radio.  I saw my soon-to-be ex-husband driving down the road in the opposite direction.  All of a sudden I craved a hot fudge sundae so bad that if I didn't get it I was afraid I would hyperventilate.  I drove straight over to Dairy Queen and indulged in a large hot fudge sundae, with extra hot fudge, thank you very much.  And afterward.....felt like crap.  I was not the least bit hungry when I ate that sundae, and felt so miserable afterward I wanted to lay down and sleep the rest of the day away.

My love and I have been together for 2 years, and during that time I've put on about 12 pounds.  Now, our relationship has had it's up and downs like all relationships.  Add the stress of everyday life, and this Nana is starting to look like a Butterball turkey.  I decided it has to stop.  Now.  So about a month ago I decided to join Weight Watchers online.  It has been one of the best decisions of my life.  In 4 weeks I have lost 9 lbs, and that is only changing the way I eat.  I haven't added exercise like I should.  (Have I told you time is something I seem to run out of everyday!)  I have a ways to go,  but I am so happy and excited about this program!

The best thing about this weight-loss journey  is that My Love is very supportive.  He truly does not care if I lose the weight or not.  He wants me to be happy and healthy, and toting this extra weight makes me neither.  He knows I have a chocolate addiction, 2nd only to my diet coke addiction, and is always looking for treats I can have that won't blow my points.  He is willing to give up butter in exchange for heart healthier spreads.  And he joined a gym with me, even though that time thing is in the way again.  I love him so much for all of his support.

Some of you may know this little recipe, but I'm usually late with this kind of thing.  I found it on Pinterest (don't you love Pinterest?), and it's only 2 WW points per cupcake.  YAHOO!!!!  Music to my ears!

All you need is a sugar-free cake mix (chocolate, of course), a 15 oz can of pumpkin, and 6 oz of chocolate chips. Mix the cake mix and pumpkin until well blended.  The batter will be very thick, so use a mixer.  Fold in the chocolate chips.  Line your muffin tins with cupcake liners, and I spray them with non-stick spray.  You can fill the tins almost to the top.  I try to round them off, and make them as uniform in shape and size as possible.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15 min.  DELICIOUS!!!!  Do they take the place of my Grandma's homemade chocolate cake and icing? No, but they cure my mid afternoon chocolate craving,  and do not blow my points for the day.  That's a win for me!!!

Oh, and the stress-eating thing?  When I start craving some random thing I ask myself what is stressing me out?  Then, I get busy.  I clean, I pray, I craft, or sometimes go for a walk.  Don't misunderstand, because I am a work in progress.  I am not perfect in this process, but I've come a long way, baby......

Make it an awesome day!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Weekend is Near!

Happy Friday Eve! This has been a crazy busy week, and I am so happy the weekend is near!  I had big plans to hit the gym this evening, then bake my low-fat, low-cal cupcakes.  As I was getting ready to leave work, my daughter called and said my aunt and uncle were in town. won out.  Cupcakes will wait for the weekend.  The gym?  Well....maybe....

I must say this blogging is fun, and I am learning something new.  I am not a techy person, therefore you will gradually see changes as I learn more.  Thank you for your patience.  I have soooo many ideas floating through my head!  I. Can't. Wait!!!!!!!

Make it an awesome weekend! 

Do something you enjoy, and try to rest!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be Intentional.....

Tell me something, please.  Does time get away from you?  Please tell me that I am not the only person on this earth who has trouble with time management.  A coworker told me today that time is one thing he cannot get back, so he is very deliberate about his time management.  Almost obsessive, actually

I decided to start this blog to create a bit of accountability for myself.  See, I have great ideas for crafting, home projects, baking, and the like.  I have great intentions to be productive in my spare time.  So my thinking was if I wrote a blog I have to complete some of these projects to share my utter brilliance and creativity with the world.  HA!  I should have know better!

I had intended to bake cupcakes this evening, and share the recipe with all of you.  But my Love needed some help with his real estate, so the cupcakes are put off.  Sorry folks.  I promise I will share these awesomely delicious, low-fat, low-calorie (I promise they truly are) cupcakes in another post.

The point of all my babbling is what my co-worker told me today is absolutely true.  You can't get time back.  There are soooo many things I want to do, see, and experience in this big, wide world, and not enough time in my day.  So I am trying desperately to "Be Intentional" about my time management.  It is something I struggle with.  If I am given a plan of things that need to be accomplished, I'm the woman to get it done.  If I have to create that plan????   Ummmm......well....not so much.  Sooooo....if anyone has some great time management strategies, please please please share them with me.  What works for you????  What doesn't work? What do you struggle with???

And remember....this post is meant for audience participation!

Make it an awesome day!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Random facts.....

How about a bit of randomness about me to start this blog off.  

I live in a house with a stone facade that my friends affectionately refer to as "Falling Rock."

I do not like marshmallows, or whipped cream.  It's a textural thing.

I have a cat named Elvis, and a dog named Presley.

Twenty-four years ago I was blessed to become mom to my daughter, Aubrey.  Her brother, Jordan, followed behind six years later.  They are my reason why.

I am addicted to diet coke.  It's the whole fake sugar taste that I'm addicted to.  I try to limit the amount I drink, but my day is not complete unless I've had one.

I have a brilliant, handsome, talented, perfect grandson named Elijah.  He calls me Nana, and he is my heart.  If you don't believe that he's the most amazing child to walk the earth, just ask me.  I'll tell you all about him.  It's my duty as his Nana.

I met the love of my life two years ago.  We were introduced to each other by.....HIS MOTHER!!!!!  Can you believe it?  Sometimes, mother truly knows best!

My best-friend and I call each other "Honeylove."  Don't judge us.  You know your jealous 'cuz you don't have a Honeylove.
I think that's all for now.  Please leave me a random fact about you.  This is meant to be audience participation!!!

Make it an awesome day!!!