Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!!!!!!

Are you a maker of resolutions, or goal maker???  Personally, I like making goals.  For one reason, I like making lists.  As I complete a goal, I check it off the list!  Also, for me it's easier to track. I list the steps I need to complete the goal, again checking them off after completion.  When all steps are complete, the goal has been reached!

For the last 3 years, I've had a goal of reading 12 books within a year.  Now, I read all the time.  I love reading blogs, magazines, news articles, etc.  My big-girl job is spent reading legal documents aalll ddaaayyyy llooonnnnggggg.  Yes, it gets a little boring. When I was young my mom used to say "She'd rather read than eat."  (I promise that is not true, but you get the point.)  That habit followed me well into adulthood.  

That is, until about 4 years ago.  It was during the time my dad was ill, and I was going through a divorce.  The thought of reading a book for enjoyment was not something I could even think about doing.  I don't know why it happened because reading was often an escape for me.  Or a way of relaxing.  Or sparked my creativity.  Or....Or....Or....I still don't quite understand why I struggle so much anymore, and hence the reason for the goal.  

I am happy to say 2012 is the year I have actually achieved that goal!  Yippeeee!!!!  Here's what I read in 2012:

The Chamber by John Grisham
The Pelican Brief by John Grisham
The Wedding Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini
The Painted House by John Grisham
The Associate by John Grisham
The Last Juror by John Grisham
Heartwood by Belva Plain
Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
The Sight of the Stars by Belva Plain
Sonoma Rose by Jennifer Chiaverini
1225 Christmas Tree Lane by Debbie Macomber
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

Boy, was I on a John Grisham kick, or what?  I love reading Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilt series.  That series inspired me to try hand-quilting, which I love to do!  Of course, Dave Ramsey is kind of in your face, but his financial wisdom stands the test of time.  I think everyone should read his book, even if you are financially stable.  It's just good sense.  I am really enjoying The Five People You Meet in Heaven.  Yes, I said enjoying.  I have about 50 pages left to read.  My Love has to work tonight, so we have no plans for the evening.  I will finish my book, and accomplish my goal, before midnight!

What are you reading?  I need to make my reading list for 2013!

I pray the next year is happy and blessed for all of you and your families.  Be safe!!!!

Make it an Awesome Year!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

And Christmas Continues....

So how was your Christmas?  I hope it was filled with lots of love.  Our Christmas continues as my brother and sister, along with their families, came to town yesterday.  We are celebrating Christmas with them this evening.  I love week-long holidays!!!!

My Love totally surprised me with a new camera!  My old camera needed a new battery, and it would've cost almost as much as a new camera.  So Mr. Practical  bought the new camera.  I love it!    Maybe you'll see some decent pictures on here now.  But I warn you, I am still learning how to use it!

One of our traditions every year is to have an ornament exchange between the women of our family.  The ornament can be handmade, or store-bought.  I always make my ornaments because I have more crafting supplies than anyone should be allowed to own.  (My best-friend says I have an addiction, and need a 12 step program.  I tell her she is right there with me!)

This year I made these cute little wreaths.  I simply crocheted around a metal ring, and attached a jingle bell.  What I think boosted the cute factor is the packaging.  I grabbed some clothes pins, used embossing ink and gold powder to give them sparkle.  I punched circles out of old sheet music, and glued a little snowflake to my circles.  I attached these to the clothes pins, and even attached a magnet to the back so they can be reused.  I put the ornaments in a cellophane bag, and closed them with the clothespins.  Cute! Cute! Cute!

Do you have any traditions?  Please share!!!!

Make it an awesome day!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sweet Sister Hope

I have to start out bragging about My Love.  Last weekend he told me we were going to dinner with friends on Thursday evening.  They just found out they are expecting, and wanted to celebrate.  Ok, I thought this was a little different, but I'm always up to a night out.  We go to dinner, and as we are finishing our meal, the expecting couple handed a card to me.  I opened it thinking they hand delivered their Christmas card this year.  Which they did, but inside were 2 tickets to see the TRAN SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA!!!!!!!!  Yes!  My Love got tickets to see TSO, and our whole group was going.  A total, wonderful surprise!!  If you have never seen them in concert I highly recommend.  AMAZING!!  The best part???  Seeing the look on Chris's face when he saw how happy I was.  What an amazing gift.  Two days later, and I am still grinning!  Thank you, Love!!!  

Now on to the real post I had planned....

I have a younger sister, and her name is Hope.  I was 3 when she was born.  I don't remember that period of time, but my mom has said she knew something was wrong right away.  Hope lacked that "will to live."  Everything she ate came back up.  Weight gain was slow.  Finally, at 18 months old, she was diagnosed as being "Moderately Mentally Retarded."  If Hope were born today, we would  have known before she was born that she had some disabilities.  The diagnosis would probably be more along the lines of "mentally challenged."  At least, that's what the nurse at her doctor's office called it.  Anyway, to us she is just our Sweet Sister Hope.  Well, usually she is sweet.  Sometimes she is a little cranky.  

I love this photo.  It was taken by the awesome Elizabeth Mullins of 2B Photography.  Hope loves her baby, and carries her wherever we go.  My next project should probably be a new dress for baby.  Last night while shopping, baby lost her dress.  I don't know how, and I don't know where.  All I do know is Hope is carrying around a naked baby.  Not good.

When looking for an art project for Hope (she loves to craft, just like her sister!) I look for projects that a pre-schooler would enjoy.  I found this project on Pinterest (my favorite website other than my blog!)  It's super easy, Hope loved it!

Art canvas
Acrylic paints
Blue Painters tape

All you do is tape off a word, or you could do a shape.  Drizzle some paint on the canvas, and swirl away.  You can use finger paints, but we used the acrylic paint.  For Hope it was best to use a brush, dipped in a little water.  I found that helps spread the paint more easily.  We chose her name.  Truthfully, it's the only word she knows how to spell.  She recognizes it, and will spell it for you if you ask.

This painting sits on a shelf in her room.  (She is with me almost every weekend, and has her own room at my house.  She will show her room to you, along with her new bed.  Her bed is actually 7-8 years old, but to her it's new.)  I think it would be a sweet project for a toddler to make for a grandparent for Christmas.  

What projects have you started for Christmas?  I would love to hear from you.  I need some more ideas!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

I love Christmas!!!  Who doesn't????  But I have a rule.  I won't put up any Christmas decorations, wrap any presents, or listen to any Christmas music until December 1.  My son's birthday is November 30, and I want to enjoy his special day without worrying if someone will tumble into the Christmas tree.  His birthday was Friday, but we had his dinner last night. was the day!!!!  My first holiday craft project of the season!!!!

I wanted to make a little wreath for my cubicle at work.  I gathered my supplies:

Sheer Ribbon
Inside ring of embroidery hoop
Thin wire
Snowflake Embellishments

I started by cutting my ribbon into approximate 14 inch lengths.  I looped them around, just as though I were making a bow.  Rather than tying, I gathered the loopers (my word for them) with a piece of wire approximately 6 inches long. After making a huge pile, I attached them to the hoop.

 I scattered my little snowflake embellishments, and glued them to the loopers.  Voila.....a very cute and inexpenseive little wreath to bring some holiday cheer to my cubie.  What do you think???  Pretty stinkin' cute!!!!

What I love about this time of the year is making homemade gifts, and decorations.  I've made my own Christmas cards for probably 12 years.  I love it!  So, look forward to some inspiration this month!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's finally here!  Today is the day!  Here it is.......

And just what is The Falling Rock, you ask????  My very own little Etsy Shop.  Yay for me!!!!!  I decided to take the plunge, and see if I can make a little money creating some of the little treasures I enjoy making.  So, if you are looking for a little gift to give, or something for yourself, check it out.  

I have a little literally has taken me about 5 hours setting up this little shop. And really Etsy makes it easy.  Step-by-Step.  Just like facebook. (Have I mentioned how technically impaired I am???)  So check back often because I will be adding new items to the shop on a regular basis.  (Now that I have figured out how to do it!)

I cannot tell you how excited I am.  Now I have an excuse for buying all of the craft supplies I purchase!  Woohoo!!!!!

Make it an awesome day!