Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be Intentional.....

Tell me something, please.  Does time get away from you?  Please tell me that I am not the only person on this earth who has trouble with time management.  A coworker told me today that time is one thing he cannot get back, so he is very deliberate about his time management.  Almost obsessive, actually

I decided to start this blog to create a bit of accountability for myself.  See, I have great ideas for crafting, home projects, baking, and the like.  I have great intentions to be productive in my spare time.  So my thinking was if I wrote a blog I have to complete some of these projects to share my utter brilliance and creativity with the world.  HA!  I should have know better!

I had intended to bake cupcakes this evening, and share the recipe with all of you.  But my Love needed some help with his real estate, so the cupcakes are put off.  Sorry folks.  I promise I will share these awesomely delicious, low-fat, low-calorie (I promise they truly are) cupcakes in another post.

The point of all my babbling is what my co-worker told me today is absolutely true.  You can't get time back.  There are soooo many things I want to do, see, and experience in this big, wide world, and not enough time in my day.  So I am trying desperately to "Be Intentional" about my time management.  It is something I struggle with.  If I am given a plan of things that need to be accomplished, I'm the woman to get it done.  If I have to create that plan????   Ummmm......well....not so much.  Sooooo....if anyone has some great time management strategies, please please please share them with me.  What works for you????  What doesn't work? What do you struggle with???

And remember....this post is meant for audience participation!

Make it an awesome day!

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